Tag Archives: reflective practice


Will next year deliver more of the same or are you looking for something better?

  Do you recall the character that Bill Murray plays in the movie Groundhog Day, cynical and grumpy weather forecaster Phil Connors finds himself trapped in a time loop while covering the ritual of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, until he learns that he must change his behaviour, the days just keep repeating themselves. I draw […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Third Sector, Training, Uncategorised

Self-Assessment and Reflective Practice for coaching.

Adult learning is about reflecting on activity and event, using experience, judgement and feedback from you and others to help consider options and then plan actions. Self-assessment and a regular practice of reflecting on and in action can lead to performance improvement, a change of habit and a more fulfilling journey of development for the […]


Coaching, Education Sector, Personal Development, Training