I am delighted to have Sheila Stokes White attending and she will provide a CPD event on ‘The Ethical Mentor – Creating and developing the ethical environment’
This workshop will introduce some of the ethical challenges and dilemmas which face us all and provide tools to address these issues in organisational practice.
Drawing on the work of Sheila Stokes White whose book “The Ethics of Work”*explores ideas about the fundamental importance of values and principles to successful organisations.
It contains reflections on her own experience of work with many organisations together with the thoughts and observations of other highly successful leaders and is based on the view that clear ethics and principles are indeed at the heart of successful organisations and an environment can be created which encourages decision-making at all levels based on those ethics and principles.
The event will include an introductory presentation about the ethics of work followed by interactive exercises in smaller groups using the positive methodology of appreciative inquiry.
By the end of the session participants will understand the role of the mentor in encouraging a values-based person centered environment for addressing ethical dilemmas within their organisations.
CPD certificates can be provided for attendance.
To book a place visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emcc-thames-valley-group-february-2017-meeting-tickets-30220900527
About the EMCC Thames Valley Network Group:
This event is open to all those who are interested in or are delivering coaching and mentoring either as an in-house coach or mentor or who provide professional coaching and mentoring services.
Whilst the EMCC is a membership organisation, we invite all members and none members to participate in this educational event.
The event will include an opportunity to meet with peer professionals within the coaching and mentoring sector, hear about the latest industry news from the EMCC.
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