Creating a Coaching Culture
Why Develop a Coaching Culture?
Command and control management and leadership is no longer effective in this fast-moving world. People need to be agile and respond to changing conditions on a moment by moment basis. For this they need a different type of management. One that empowers and facilitates.
This is the advantage of creating a coaching culture.
Creating culture, finding the right people, managing them to do great things and solving problems creatively and systematically are challenges faced by all organizations. Coaching can help your leaders and managers achieve more through their teams by creating culture, specifically through creating coaching cultures by developing a coaching management style which among other things:
- creates empowerment
- increases engagement
- develops people and performance
- improves creativity
- raises responsibility in employees
- avoids confrontation
This is the advantage of creating a coaching culture.
“We have implemented coaching in our organisation but not sure what value it is bringing to the business.”
What are the International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP)?
The International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes
(ISMCP) is an independent accreditation awarded to organisations designing, delivering and evaluating mentoring and/or coaching programmes either ‘inhouse’ or externally. It is an integral and essential step on the path to establishing the professional credibility and status of good mentoring and/or coaching programme management, ensuring programmes are:
- Thoughtfully designed
- Systematically managed
- Significantly contributing to the development of participants, strategic drivers of the organisation and wider stakeholder objectives.
The ISMCP is built on six core standards:
- Clarity of Purpose
- Participants and Stakeholder Training and Briefing
- Processes for Selection and Matching
- Effective Processes for Measurement and Review
- Maintains High Standards of Ethics and Care/Duty of Care
- Supports Participants Throughout the Process/Systems of Programme Administration

Bringing value to your business
When implementing coaching in your organisation, you need to ensure that you are seeing the desired results. Senior management will want to know:
- How well is the coaching experience meeting their organisation’s aspirations and goals?
- How does it contribute to stakeholder priorities?
- Is it easy for you to demonstrate a business return on your investment in coaching?
The International Standards of Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP) is awarded to organisations that design, deliver and evaluate both mentoring and coaching programmes. This is a step towards establishing professional credibility.
We use gap analysis to help you identify where you stand against the ISMCP framework.
The programme need to be thoughtfully designed, managed systematically and contribute to the development of the participants, the organisation and the stakeholders.
The six core standards that ISMCP is built on are:
- Clarity of purpose
- Participants and stakeholders training and briefing
- Process of selection and matching
- Effective process for measurement and review
- Maintaining high standards of ethics and care, including duty of care
- Supporting participants through processes or systems of programme administration
Tim Anderson is an EMCC accredited assessor of ISMCP standard and is accredited to consult on the framework. For further details complete inquiry form below.
Where Do You Sit?
At Sales Improvement Services we use a gap analysis approach to help you identify where you are against an agreed set of coaching and mentoring standards. (ISMCP Award)