

Details of the EMCC Thames Valley Group group meeting 25th September 2017

  I am delighted to have Judy James attending our network event and she will provide a CPD workshop on: Working with Emotion – Fostering Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Workplace Well-being. A basic understanding of emotion, emotional reactions and interpersonal dynamics at work are essential attributes for coaching professionals: This 2 hour session will explore that notion […]


Coaching, Education Sector, Personal Development, Training, Uncategorised

How does Well-Being play a role in modern leadership?

I was forwarded an interesting article recently on Well Being and began to read with my normal amount of skepticism on the subject, eat less, take more time off, be careful how much alcohol you consume….however the article posed an interesting concept of well-being as a skill and not just a mind-set. The link provided […]


Coaching, Personal Development, SMEs, Third Sector, Training, Uncategorised, Voluntary Sector

Developing a coaching and mentoring culture can support SME’s with staff recruitment and retention.

    One of the biggest challenges my clients face today is the difficulty in recruiting and retaining good quality staff that will help them to grow their businesses. It’s  difficult for SMEs to recruit and retain staff when they have to compete with larger organisations that are able to offer higher wages and more […]


Coaching, Personal Development, SMEs, Uncategorised

Details of the EMCC Thames Valley Group group meeting 6th February 2017

    I am delighted to have Sheila Stokes White attending and she will provide a CPD event on ‘The Ethical Mentor – Creating and developing the ethical environment’ This workshop will introduce some of the ethical challenges and dilemmas which face us all and provide tools to address these issues in organisational practice. Drawing […]



Will next year deliver more of the same or are you looking for something better?

  Do you recall the character that Bill Murray plays in the movie Groundhog Day, cynical and grumpy weather forecaster Phil Connors finds himself trapped in a time loop while covering the ritual of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, until he learns that he must change his behaviour, the days just keep repeating themselves. I draw […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Third Sector, Training, Uncategorised

What now for SME’s with no government support.

News Update: 23 May 2012:  £200 million programme delivers growth support for England’s most ambitious small businesses. (Source:https://www.gov.uk/government/news/growthaccelerator-for-small-businesses)  Growth Accelerator has launched today, designed to help up to 26,000 of England’s brightest businesses achieve their ambition and potential. The new partnership between the government and the private sector will see proven business experts working with companies to […]


Coaching, Personal Development, SMEs, Uncategorised
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