Sales Consultancy


Apprenticeship Myths

I am extremely thankful to Aron Myerthall of the British Institute of Recruiters for constructing the following article that I have edited slightly to form an emphasis on Apprenticeships in a wider context than for the recruitment sector that Aron represents. For those reading this article and who have direct interest in the recruitment […]


Personal Development, Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Training

How will the changes to data protection affect you?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will give people more control over their personal information when it is passed into law in 2018, this will supersede the current UK’s outdated Data Protection Act, which was drafted way back in the 1990’s. Whilst a good thing for us as consumers, what challenges might these changes mean to your organisation? In […]


Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Third Sector, Voluntary Sector

Will next year deliver more of the same or are you looking for something better?

  Do you recall the character that Bill Murray plays in the movie Groundhog Day, cynical and grumpy weather forecaster Phil Connors finds himself trapped in a time loop while covering the ritual of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, until he learns that he must change his behaviour, the days just keep repeating themselves. I draw […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Third Sector, Training, Uncategorised

EMCC Thames Valley Network Group

I am incredibly excited about working with my colleague and peer coach, Dr Ranjit Manghnani who runs Guru Coaching and taking on the role to manager and run the EMCC Thames Valley Network Group. The EMCC exists to develop, promote and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe and […]


Coaching, Education Sector, Sales Consultancy, SMEs, Third Sector, Voluntary Sector

3 tips to keep your employees happy

When it comes to the current uncertain economic landscape one thing which is vital for any business is ensuring your employees are happy. Loyal and engaged employees work for the company and profits tend to be higher. Conversely, if employees are unhappy or feel undervalued, they are unmotivated and profits can suffer. Studies also show […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy, Training

Micromanaging kills workplace culture

If you want your business to be successful then you need to realise that your staff are your most important asset and you need to develop a healthy workplace culture. Developing leadership skills for owners and senior managers is vital when it comes to protecting and developing this asset. A motivated and enthusiastic workforce’s value is […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy

Can B2B coaching really make an impact in sales?

High performing companies use B2B coaching between 15 and 20% more than organisations with low performing teams. The claim comes in an article in the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management’s magazine Winning Edge and highlights a growing trend for employing the services of a professional coach to help with staff retention and other aspects of […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy

6 things high performing sales teams have in common

As in our previous article ‘If your sales team can’t develop, how can your business grow?’ – the most effective way of ensuring your business succeeds is to have a motivated staff. If your sales team is not motivated and empowered to produce results, then it’s simple, they won’t. But finding a method to develop […]


Coaching, Sales Consultancy, SMEs
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